Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Review : Styles Of Silat - Other Styles

Bukti Negara : A modified variation of the Sera style, designed by the current lineage holder Paul de Thouars. Bunga Cantik Pencak Silat "Beautiful flower silat" created in Sacramento, California. The group performs four annual demonstrations statewide. Bunga Cantik Pencak Silat belongs to the Suwanda Academy, the Association of Pencak Silat America, Liahona Warrior Arts, the Napal Pencak Silat Organization and the Indonesian Pencak Silat Society, located in Bali. Maphilindo Silat : Founded by the Jeet Kune Do master Dan Inosanto to honour his silat teachers. It is composed of styles from Malaysia (Ma), the Philippines (Phil) and Indonesia (Indo). There are only 18 instructors in the world who are certified in this style. Pentjak Silat Rante USA : A weapon-based style focusing on the chain (rante), founded in the USA in 1962. Poekoelan tjimindie tulen. A fusion of pencak silat and Chinese martial arts brought to America in 1956 by the Dutch-Eurasion Willy Wetzel as Poekoelan Tjimindie. Pukulan cimande pusaka
A synthesis of four sources developed by William Sanders. It draws : primarily from Poekoelan Tjiminde, Tarik Kolot cimande, combination cimande and an esoteric system of mysticism taught by Untung Surapati. The style is organized around the use of five primary animal techniques - monkey, tiger, snake, crane and dragon. It includes weapons, grappling, fighting while in a grounded position, and fighting multiple opponents. It also incorporates a system of metaphysical development which includes meditations designed to draw the four elements into the body for various combative and spiritual purposes, and the practice of animal spirit possession, in order to aid fighting skill. Mantra and magic circles are used, along with visualization and breathing. Silat Qutuz :An aggressive modern style made up of nine components.

Silat Sharaf : An aggressive modern style which teaches primarily military/street applications of martial systems that are practiced in many communities around the world, condensed into a concise curriculum. The system includes empty-handed combat, knife play, stick play, gunplay, grappling, joint manipulation, and utilizes the Honor codes of the Bedouin, specifically Sharaf, and is most similar in application to Silat Cekak. There are also body culture development exercises which help develop the correct body mechanics for close-quarter fighting.

Anjing Gembala Pencak Silat : A modern style developed by Guru Mike Casto. It draws heavily from the de Thouars family systems (Sera[k], Kuntao Silat de Thouars, Bukti Negara) and some from Mande Muda (specifically from the Harimau, Cipecut and Cimande aspects of Mande Muda). It also draws stick fighting from Cacoy Doce Pares and blade training from Sikal.

The name, "Anjing Gembala," translates as "sheepdog" and was inspired by the essay, "On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs" by Dave Grossman (author). In the essay sheepdogs protect the sheep from the wolves of society. "Protection of self and others" is integral to Guru Mike's mindset and he hopes to share that mindset with his students and provide them with tools to help them accomplish that goal.