Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Review : Pencak Silat Mande Muda

Pencak silat also spelled penchak silat and pentjak silat) is an umbrella term for the indigenous martial arts created in Indonesia. The leading organization of pencak silat in Indonesia is IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia meaning Organization for Indonesian Pencak Silat). The liaison body for international pencak silat is the International Pencak Silat Association or PERSILAT (Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antara Bangsa). Pencak silat was chosen in 1948 as a unifying term for the Indonesian fighting styles. It was a compound of the two most commonly used words for martial arts in Indonesia. Pencak was the term used in central and east Java, while silat was used in Sumatra. In modern usage, pencak and silat are seen as being two aspects of the same practice. Pencak is the performance aspects of the martial art, while silat is the essence of the fighting and self-defense. The pencak silat tradition is mostly oral, having been passed down almost entirely by word of mouth.
In the absence of written records, much of its history is known only through myth and archaeological evidence. The primary weapons of Indonesia's tribal peoples were the single-edge sword, shield and javelin. The inhabitants of Nias Island had until the 20th century remained largely untouched by the outside world. However, they are culturally similar to the Himalayan Naga tribe. Neighbouring Sumatrans are said to have left the Nias people alone because they were fearless warriors. Balinese warriors armed with kris in the 1880s

Bas-reliefs in Srivijaya depict warriors wielding such weapons as the jian or Chinese straight sword, which is still used in some styles today. Additionally, Javanese blades are of Indian derivation. It was during this period that silat was first formulised. The earliest evidence of silat being taught in a structured manner comes from the Sumatra-based empire of Srivijaya where folklore tells that it was created by a woman named Rama Sukana who witnessed a fight between a tiger and a large bird. By using the animals' movements, she was able to fend off a group of drunken men that attacked her.

She then taught the techniques to her husband Rama Isruna from whom they were formally passed down. There are several variations of this story depending on the region where it is told. On the island of Boyan (Bawean), Rama Sukana is believed to have watched monkeys fighting each other while the Sundanese of West Java believe that she created cimande after seeing a monkey battle a tiger. The accuracy of this legend cannot be substantiated but the fact that silat is attributed to a woman is thought to indicate their prominence in ancient Southeast Asian society.

While Srivijaya dominated the coastal areas, the Sanjaya (or Mataram) and Sailendra kingdoms ruled central Java. Pencak silat especially flourished in Java which is now home to more different styles than any other Indonesian islands. In the 13th century, Srivijaya was defeated by the Cholas of south India. This was followed by the decline of the Sailendra and Sanjaya kingdoms but it also gave rise to the Majapahit empire. This was the first empire to unite all of Indonesia's major islands. The influence of silat from the mainland was consolidated by Ninik Dato' Suri Diraja (1097–1198) to create silek or Minangkabau silat in Sumatra.

Pencak silat was later used by Indonesian freedom-fighters against Dutch colonists. During this time the Bugis and Makassar people from south Sulawesi were very well known as expert sailors, navigators and warriors. After Indonesia's independence, pencak silat was brought to Europe by Indo people of Eurasian (mixed Indonesian and European) ancestry, such as the well known Paatje Phefferkorn. The art is now popular in the Netherlands, Spain and France. Schools can also be found in the USA.

Uyuh Suwanda was the founder of the Mande Muda self defense system, which he began in 1951 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Like all traditional pencak silat, this was not open to the general public. Pak Uyuh had studied 17 styles of pencak silat. He added Cimande, when he married Mimi Rukimi who came from Cimande village. Together they taught their combined system, which Pak Uyuh named "Mande Muda", to their family and friends.

The word "Mande" comes from "Cimande" which Pak Uyuh believed to be the original silat system of West Java. "Muda" means "young" or "new". Mande Muda is likened to a young child always growing and looking for new silat material.

In this way, Pak Uyuh believed that each silat technique could be used differently in different situations and that there are no techniques which will work in all attacks. For this reason, he continuously studied pencak silat techniques and weapons to find the best answers to attacks, and ways to prevent attack. Pak Uyuh combined techniques from the 18 silat styles in an effective system which is unique and rich in knowledge. The main principle of Mande Muda is to continuously develop and practice. Only death can stop your growth and study. Another principle is to wait-Pak Uyuh believed that by waiting, you can best answer the "question" posed by the attack.

According to Pak Uyuh, if someone attacks you, give him the best "answer"-the best technique that will prevent him from attacking again. My father had a strong character and knew much about the traditional cultural beliefs of West Java. He planted in his children his love of the traditional ways and his determination to preserve them. Therefore, he always said to us that Mande Muda must not die. When the leader of the family system dies, then another must take his place. Pak Uyuh died in 1989, and Mande Muda is still alive because of the spirit and principles that he gave us.

Pendekar Guru Besar Herman Suwanda, my brother, was the second leader of Pencak Silat Mande Muda. He began to study pencak silat from Pak Uyuh in 1960. In 1965,he began to also study with pendekars from other traditional pencak silat schools, and he continued to study until his death. He began teaching in Indonesia in 1974, and in 1980, he traveled to the US to begin teaching there. 

In addition to supervising the schools in Indonesia, he traveled extensively, teaching Pencak Silat Mande Muda seminars around the world. Pak Herman hoped to fulfill his father's dream of building a school for pencak silat students so that they would not have to practice outside or in the living room. As you know, pencak silat was traditionally oriented around the family and was only taught to family members and close friends. Our family only taught in our living room, and of course, since it was small, only a few students could learn at one time. My father talked about building a bigger school for his many students. Pak Herman worked to create our father's dream, as step by step, Mande Muda expanded around the world, first in America and then Europe. Besides teaching pencak silat, Pak Herman also taught about Indonesia's culture, especially the culture of Sunda (West Java). Due to his hard work, Pak Herman was successful in building a Padepokan (School), called the Padepokan Pencak Silat Suwanda Academy, located in Kampungdago, Suntenjaya, Lembang, West Java. His senior student, Steve Hunting, assisted him in making this project come true. The Padepokan is the first in West Java or maybe Indonesia that is owned by an individual person or school. It is the best padepokan next to the IPSI Padepokan in Jakarta.

There are no other schools that have facilities such as a semi-indoor/outdoor training hall downstairs and living accommodations upstairs. It is located in a beautiful agricultural area with mountains and overlooks a valley with a river running through it. The air is so refreshing and cool, unlike that of Bandung. It is fairly quiet and peaceful day and night. It's a perfect environment for training and getting away from modern life to concentrate on learning.

The Suwanda Academy Padepokan has become the training center for members of Mande Muda both in Indonesia and worldwide. Each year, Pak Herman held "camps" in Indonesia so that his students from around the world could learn pencak silat and experience the culture of Java. Not only did he teach silat but also guided tours to historical places, including some in Central Java, plays, puppet shows, and other cultural events. Almost all plans and dreams can be created, but not only humans have a plan, and God's will determined that Pak Herman was to be killed in a car accident in Germany on the 21st of March 2000, just as Pak Herman was expanding Pencak Silat Mande Muda in Europe. Mande Muda has been guided by two generations, and both have succeeded in their mission to develop and expand the fighting arts and culture of Indonesia, particularly that of Pencak Silat Mande Muda.

Guru Besar Rita Suwanda, I am the third daughter of Pendekar Uyuh Suwanda. I grew up in a family of martial artists. Every day I saw my father training with his students. My father was always kicking me out from training, because at that time, only men were allowed to practice pencak silat, because it is a hard art.

I really like challenges and also loved pencak silat, so I always hid and learned by watching my father and practicing in secret. After he saw that I practiced seriously, my father finally let me practice pencak silat with him. When I was 14 years old, I began to compete in every competition sponsored by IPSI.

I became a champion in Kembangan and Olahraga. I then became active in the IPSI organization. After my father died, and my brother moved to the US, I taught in my own school and also developed the Pencak Silat Mande Muda program in Indonesia. Besides learning pencak silat from my family, I also studied with other pendekars in IPSI. My husband, Dadang Gunawan, is also one of my teachers, because he was one of my father's best students. After my brother, Pak Herman's, death, I was selected by my family and the Pencak Silat Mande Muda organization in Indonesia to be the third leader of Pencak Silat Mande Muda International. I thank Kathy Ohara who helped me with my first seminars in the US, and all of the students of my brother, and all those others who have helped me and promoted Mande Muda in Indonesia, the US and Europe.

Pak Dadang is the husband of Ibu Rita Suwanda. From early childhood, Pak Dadang has had a rich and diverse education in Pencak Silat. At eight years old, he learned basic Pencak Silat from his father, training in Cikalong and Timbangan style.

At 10 years old, he began to study Rikesan and Usik with Pendekars from Garut and Cianjur (West and East ends of West Java). Pak Dadang's training continued at the age of 12, with Pak Suherman. From this renowned instructor, Pak Dadang studied Maenpo (literally "forget to play").

Maenpo is an art that focuses strictly on self-defense and effective combat techniques. Pak Dadang has had significant training in other styles, including Cikalong, Usik, Rikesan, Timbangan, Benjang, Syahbandar, Sera, Liliwatan, Ulin Pa Macan, Limbuhan, Golok and other typical West Java weapon styles. In 1968, at the age of 17, Pak Dadang became a student of Pencak Silat Mande Muda. In addition to Mande Muda, he studied Cimande and other styles under Pak Uyuh Suwanda (the founder of PSMM). In 1969, Pak Dadang became a Pencak Silat champion, after competing in a tournament in West Java. He joined a delegation of competitors, following National championships all over Indonesia. He traveled throughout Indonesia, winning National level competitions in Surabaya and East Java.

Pak Dadang began to play a more important role in the Pencak Silat Mande Muda organization. From 1970 until 1976, he worked together with Pak Uyuh, Pak Herman and other members of the organization to update the practice methods of Pencak Silat Mande Muda. As in other parts of the world, Indonesians were becoming more aware of the use of belt ranks in martial arts. Belt ranks made it easier to teach large groups of students. This modern principle was applied to Mande Muda in Indonesia and a curriculum was developed with five levels: (Sabuk Hitam, Hijau, Merah, Putih and Kuning (black belt, green, red, white, and finally progressing to yellow belt).

In 1985, Pak Dadang traveled to the United States, along with Pak Uyuh and Pak Herman Suwanda. They performed demonstrations to promote Mande Muda and received a certificate of appreciation from the government of San Francisco. In 1990, Pak Dadang received the title of Deputy of Mande Muda Indonesia. In 2000, he became Guru Besar of Mande Muda Indonesia; a title that he shares with his wife, Ibu Rita Suwanda, who is Guru Besar of Mande Muda International. Pak Dadang's skill has made him well known in West Java and martial artists throughout Indonesia recognize him as a Pendekar (a title reserved only for the highest caliber of Silat Masters).

Ibu Mimi Suwanda is our mother. She has had to be a strong woman to keep our family together, dealing with everyday life in Indonesia, and taking care of 14 children.

She comes from the village of Warung Klara, and many of her uncles and her father were freedom fighters against the colonization, before the independence and were from the Cimande family.

In some ways, you might say that Cimande theory is as simple as hit and block. It is a powerful art, with most of the Indonesian men and women family of Cimande hiding from the public what they knew. Even if you were to ask them if they knew pencak silat, they would deny any knowledge of Cimande, or pencak silat in general. Being humble is a big part of being in good standing with the community and being a respectful person in pencak silat. We have no need to prove what we know, because what we know is part of our daily life. If you go to Cimande, you won't find people looking and talking like they know how to fight, but rather like everyday people working together to survive and live ordinary lives. They help one another in the village, sharing their knowledge with their family and neighbors.