Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Review Style : Silat Betawi Sibunder

Bunder the allias Martial Art Nage Anti Nyebrang Idolatry And Uphold Islamic Values. Sibunder stances in nearly 98% "fill" (within the meaning of the content is not in the sense of sort of), why arguably the "content" because of all the stances bunder really apply to practice counter, whose name no-pentilan pentilan empty. Even step foot sibunder only really considered, because in some martial arts there is a strike Batavia dibagian feet like kick, sweep. Among children sabeni martial Maenan tenabang, parried the attack at the same time if the opponent parry blows, hitting ("notok") to sweep away the opponent that is in front, and the result tertangkis opponent hitting the opponent's face can bonyok plus commemorative falls to the ground because his legs ". Information sabeni martial techniques, I can because my father and I pade ncing-ncing sabeni former study and I also had martial arts sparing with my father who wears sabeni, the result wah really a Rapet Maenan, fast, and nimble because it Maenan Maenan sabeni the fight for non-martial for the pageant moment. There is another martial for fighting really think that is moving, try it out ngetes martial whim and fancy of pesilat unfamiliar with quick attacks and rapid-fire in the security managers of throe whim and fancy martial arts attacks, because as described in many articles that silat martial whim and fancy that really rely on feel even without seeing the whim and fancy shots could only parry.
Total moment they have learned in the martial sibunder if ga 'wrong with a 19 strike, because I have come graduated sibunder practice strike ma' lum study a few years doang silatnya, including : Strike BLANK first jutsu : learned by new students in martial arts styles sibunder is empty.
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