Monday, June 4, 2012

Review : Silat Kalimah Malaysia

The story is conveyed by word of mouth and also refers to the authentic record of the teacher remains responsible for developing the teaching of the Silat Kalimah.

This story began when the arts are passed down by word Silat Sheikh Abdullah, the Sultan of Kedah , known by the name of Sultan Muzaffar Shah. It has been kept secret by the Kedah Government Palace until the arrival of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin, who was responsible for science and the teachings of Silat reduce this word to his senior commander, the Panglima Tok Ismail. Panglima Tok Ismail sends word of knowledge and teachings of Silat to Panglima Tok Ali and Panglima Tok Hadi.  Panglima Tok Ismail  finally revealed knowledge and the teachings of Silat Kalimah to the  Panglima Tok Rashid. And  Panglima Tok Rashid  was the last commander received word Silat knowledge before he revealed this knowledge to the public the first, a foster son named Tok Guru Yahya Said.

In Malaysia there are several Silat Teachers who use the name "Silat Kalimah", including :
  • Silat Kalimah Yahya Said 
  • Silat Kalimah Panglima Tangkas
  • Silat Kalimah Malaysia
  • Silat Kalimah Amin
  • Silat Kalimah Gempur Jagat
  • Silat Pusaka Kalimah Amin
  • Silat Kalimah Batin
Merong Mahawangsa otherwise known as the Maharaja Durbar was the first Ruler. Derived from the Persian mainland. Originally, during the voyage, the ship was sunk and he owned land on New River Qilah, Kedah. The people of Kedah when it found that he was a learned man more wise and they have raised him to be the first king of Kedah. His reign centered in the capital of Kedah state government that is Langkasuka long.
According to sources cited by the orc and Al-Date Salasiah state of Kedah, has stated that Islam arrived in Kedah in the reign of the next king. King is known as Phra Ong Mahawangsa.

Phra Ong Mahawangsa had converted to Islam and changed his name to Sultan Muzaffar Shah, the missionary an Arab merchant who is also an Islamic preacher Sheikh Abdullah Rafae'i Qibrari Pharmaceutical has come to my state Qalha or now better known as Kedah Darul Aman in order to trade.
He has three sons, namely :
  • Paduka Sri Sultan latter the son of the late Sultan al-Muzaffar Shah
  • Tunku Muhammad Shah, son of the late Sultan al-Muzaffar Shah
  • Tunku Sulaiman Shah, son of the late Sultan al-Muzaffar Shah
  • Sultan Muzaffar Shah was the first king of Malaya embraced Islam.
Silat Kalimah was inspired and developed by an Arab merchant who is believed to originate from the Persian mainland. The merchant name is Sheikh Abdullah Rafae'i Qibrari, or better known as Sheikh Tajred. Is the Caliph to 30 for Tariqah Rifa'iyah. He was traded to the Ligor the first Islamic trade center in the past. He stopped there and spread Islam in Qalha (now known as Kedah Darul Aman) 9OO some years ago. At that time, Kedah was under the reign of King Phra Ong Mahawangsa and had converted to Islam by the title of Sultan Muzaffar Shah.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah was impressed with the manner of service of carrying the message of Islam and had appointed Sheikh Sheikh Tajred Tajred an advisor at the Palace of Kedah. Sheikh Tajred then the opportunity to teach martial arts inspired by the method works in the prayers, the Sultan Muzaffar Shah.
Sheikh said that the art of Silat Tajred Word has a high defensive value, different from other martial knowledge. That is why when the Sultan Muzaffar Shah received Silat knowledge this Word; it has been kept secret and only taught to the sons of Kedah sultanate only. This continued until the royal heritage came to the reign of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin, in the 19th century.

After a long Silat Kalimah is kept secret from the masses. With the requirements of God , in the 19th century, during the reign of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin, have been a mutiny on the River Terrapin, Krian. It is done by a man from across the Batak descent, named Fortune (not Hang Tuah). The rebellion failed to be eradicated by the commander himself Kedah. Until Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin has decided to reduce this knowledge to the  Panglima Tok Ismail. This is to prevent continuation of such rebellion Tuah and Village Chief Ismail took 44 days to seal in learning. This sequence of events that has seen Silat Kalimah knowledge was passed down to the next commander of the palace and the public. Silat Kalimah this unique heritage is still continued by the Sultanate of Kedah own relatives, the daughter of the son of al-Kasim Tengku late Sultan Abdul Hamid, the Honourable Tengku Aina. He now lives in Taman Melawati, Ulu Klang, Selangor. YM Tengku Aina knowledge Silat finish their studies and qualify as a Gurulatih Word under the leadership of Ms Azmi Long Pak Guru himself.

After study of the revealed Silat Kalimah Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin. Commander Ismail Tok Tuah managed to capture rebel. Good luck then taken to the Kuala Krian near the Cape. Fortune is in place and executed as a result of this event, the place was called by the name of Tanjung Riau until now. Current Chief of Village Ishmael was 60 years, he has revealed this knowledge to the Panglima Tok Ali dan Panglima Tok Hadi.

Around the year 1854, there was a war between the state of Kedah and Siam. Village Chief of Ali has led Kedah government army commander, followed by Panglima Tok Hadi dan Tengku Md Saad.. The war ended with the defeat suffered by the government of Kedah. As a result of this incident  Panglima Tok Ali  was discouraged and vowed never again will trample the earth, Kedah. Kedah defeat was due to negligence Tengku Md. Sad that directly makes  Panglima Tok Ali  brought it to the Coal.

Panglima Tok Rashid was born in Sedakah, Kedah in 1863. He studied Silat Kalimah from the  Panglima Tok Ismail himself. While this happens,  Panglima Tok Ismail was then already aged, but still managed to lose the knowledge and teachings of this word to the  Panglima Tok Rashid. In 1890, there has been an epidemic of cholera in the Orange River Yan, Tray Tray Large and Small. This year also saw the British colonial presence, Panglima Tok Rashid Ismail made the decision to migrate from the District Pan Yan to the River Terrapin Krian. But before he could move,  Panglima Tok Ismail had died first and the body of Panglima Tok Ismail was buried on an island located in the state.

Panglima Tok Rashid was then teaching the Silat Kalimah to his adopted son Tok Guru Yahya Said and participate Said was the son of Rashid's own Tok Bidin. Not only that, he also has taught Tok Guru Said how to make traditional medicine from herbs and plants herbs in the forest. When  Panglima Tok Rashid died, his body was buried beside the grave commander Panglima Tok Ismail. The last heir of the  Panglima Tok Rashid  was the adopted son he is Tok Bidin. If anybody know or recognize the teachings of Silat Kalimah is taken. Please contact the Sekretariat Persatuan Silat Kalimah Malaysia at Johor Bahru.

He was born in 1903 in Kuala Kerian, Kedah. Tok Guru Yahya Said was the adopted son to  Panglima Tok Rashid . He worked with the  Panglima Tok Rashid  as a rice maker, makers of roofing and our roots to be used as traditional medicine mixture produced by the Panglima Tok Rashid  himself. In 1923, Tok Guru Yahya Said  is the first most people learn Silat Kalimah from  Panglima Tok Rashid . Friends Tok Guru is the son of  Panglima Tok Rashid , a self Tok Bidin. Upon the expiry of the teaching, he worked as a policeman and lived in Batu Kurau, Perak. In 1938,  Tok Guru Yahya Said  began to teach Silat Kalimah to the youth in the district of Batu Kurau. They were the Haji Awang Salleh, Harun Haji Hussein, Md. Daud Tok Sujak dan Haji Baharin Haji Ludin, and more. In 1942, Yusuf Misai from Bagan Serai, Silver also studied the art of Silat Kalimah.

In 1949,  Tok Guru Yahya Said  has completed his duties as police officers. He became active as a vendor of traditional medicine and sell it all over Malaysia. In the meantime, Tok Guru has met with Yahya Abdullah@Yahya Masulin, Said Ali Abas, Pak Sawir Labeh, Haji Abu Malik dan Pak Mansor. The seller of this drug were studied Silat Kalimah from  Tok Guru Yahya Said  himself, starting from 1950. In 1963, a young man named Mohd. Zohdi was anxious to learn this Silat Kalimah from  Tok Guru Yahya Said  himself. He is currently Principal Teacher Silat Pak Yahya Said Word and still teaches and is active in developing Silat Word around the state. At one time, the Honourable Mr. Mohd. Khir Johari said that the Malays do not have knowledge of the true martial arts. That there is martial arts and dance to celebrate the wedding feast day. Starting from this event,  Tok Guru Yahya Said determined to prove that the Malays also have martial arts truly Islamic character and self-defense knowledge comparable to that possessed by other nations.

In 1965, two brothers and Che Ngah that Fadil had learned from Silat Kalimah Tok Guru Yahya Said. Then in 1966,  Tok Guru Yahya Said expand in the Teluk Piai, Jalan Gunung Kriang to 20 young men, in Alor Merah about 20 people. While teaching at Teluk Wan Jah, some 20 people have studied with him, one of them is Ustaz Hanafi Bin Haji Ahmad, who is the founder and Principal Teacher Silat Cekak Malaysia. In 1968, Yahya Said Tok Guru has taught the knowledge of the Silat Kalimah kepada Pak Guru Azmi Long and Cikgu Ridzuan Long . Tok Guru Yahya Said  had entrusted the Pusaka Parang Lading Chief Rashid on Pak Guru Azmi Long hoping Silat Azmi Silat Kalimah will continue to flourish.

At 12 to July 14 , 1973 , a Malaysian Malay Silat Convention which was held in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.  Tok Guru Yahya Said  has given this word Silat demonstration to the delegates and from this incident he received the title of Grandmaster.  Tok Guru Yahya Said  has been asked to complete a paper on this Silat Kalimah.

Communist Party of Malaya (CPM: 1930-1989) has raised the state of emergency in Malaysia during and after British rule between 1967 and 1989. Pak Yahya Said were known to be involved in combat activities of the CPM members. One incident occurred in Ayer, where Pak Yahya Said managed to overcome the attack and siege gave the CPM that the communists and retreated. Pak Yahya Said also known during the Japanese occupation of Malaya in 1942 to 1945. Even the Japanese look for him to learn the techniques of 'break the arms of a sword attack. And this technique is believed to be absorbed into the knowledge of their military martial.

In 1974, the government of the Malaysian Armed Forces have taken the initiative to research and learn the advantages of Silat Kalimah for the Malaysian Army. Then on May 22, 1974. A total of 3 generals, 5 colonels and two lieutenant colonels who among them is Brigedier Jenderal Yusuf Din, Brigedier Jenderal Mohd Ghazali Bin Hj Che Mat dan Brigedier Jenderal Wan Ismail They have learned Silat Kalimah to expire under the supervision of Tok Guru Yahya Said  himself.

In 1979, the Principal Teacher Pak Tok Guru Silat Kalimah of the Tok Guru Yahya Said breathed his last and his body was buried at Batu Kurau, Perak. To date, there are still drug dealers know that Tok Guru Pak Yahya Said Mohamad Nasir in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur. Kamaruddin and Zubir Bustani Duyah in Terengganu and Kuantan, Pahang. Ismail in Kuala Perlis, Perlis and Radin Salleh in Drainage Yaani, Balikpapan, Johor. In addition, the companion is surprising that John was still alive Tok Penghulu Zakaria who now lives in Johor Bahru, Johor. That is the story of  Tok Guru Yahya Said  has acted as the founder of the modern Silat Kalimah and has succeeded in his ambition to meet the challenges that the Malays have their own martial art.

Six siblings were born in Kedah in 1934. Raised by his mother named Fatima Binte Mohd. Said and his father Long Bin Ishak District Office working in Kulim, Kedah. One of the younger brother of Master Pak Azmi Long faithful to the Silat Kalimah Association struggle to end his life was the late Long Redzuan. Receive education Primary 1 to 4, in Kulim Malay School and had to stop studying because of the Japanese invasion of the Malay Peninsula in 1944. Primary Teacher Azmi's father subsequently Long School of Ibrahim continued education to 6. In 1952, he began working with the British Army and stationed in the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers (REME) until he has a British Army Grade 1 - Certificate of English, the British Army. He completed the task of the British Army in 1959 and start a new life as civilians. In 1960, he started his new career as a seller of pills tablet (Weight Gain) of body-building pills. And that is where the start is surprising friendship with Yahya Said. The result of this introduction, Teacher Pak Azmi finally Long regarded as adopted by the late  Tok Guru Yahya Said  himself.

Teacher Pak Azmi Long known for boxing and wrestling skills when he worked for the British Army. Tok Guru Yahya Said  has revealed the advantages of moving pickup Silat Kalimah and knowledge was of interest to Pak Guru Azmi Long to learn. Teaching took place quietly without anyone knowing it and it happens every time  Pak Guru Azmi Long  and Tok Guru Said met in the course of selling traditional medicines all over the place. Until at one point, in the year 1968. He's close relationship with  Tok Guru Yahya Said  cause Tok Guru fully intend to reduce the knowledge and teachings of Silat Kalimah to him. So  Pak Guru Azmi Long  was studied until the end. Participate in this teaching is the teacher of his own brother Redzuan Long.
Teachers were also passed on to Pak Azmi Long, Pusaka Parang Lading as proof Rashid Trust to expand the teaching of science Silat Kalimah.

Primary Teacher Pak Guru Azmi Long  father died in 2004. Reflecting on the question of responsibility that led to the establishment of the Silat Kalimah Malaysia, in line with the purpose of this teaching. He was reminded of the following, "The purpose of this sacred must be practiced in line with expectations towards the vision of our leaders in the country." All the practices and teachings to be used to best advantage to train yourself before extended to family, friends and later, the community. Healthy practices would produce a generation of disciplined and create a prosperous country.
  • " Berlapik Berlantai
  • Bentang Tikar Tiga Helai
  • Cari Yang Cerdik
  • Cari Yang Pandai
  • Cari Juara Di Tengah Balai
  • Barulah Kerja Tidak Terbengkalai "
Primary Teacher Osman bin Hj Mohd. Sidek, or better known as Cikgu Poi. Born on 4th May, 1953 in Kuala Lumpur, Kedah. An ambition that in developing the Silat Kalimah. Married and now lives in No.13, Lorong Tengah, Kampong Keda, Sg.Layar, Sungai Petani,Kedah. Began to learn Silat Kalimah together with Cikgu Hamid Man under the supervision of Pak Guru Cikgu Azmi Long in the 1970s. Have increased levels and undergo ritual bath lime, made by Tok Guru Pak Yahya Said himself. Friends he was Tuan Hj Yusuf Pulau Langkawi. removed own association known as Silat Solah, held in Langkawi. Currently, the Main Teacher Pak Osman bin Hj Mohd. Sidek is open school in the Bukit Kecil. Families where there is also Panglima Tok Ismail learn Silat Kalimah, under the supervision of Principal Pak Guru itself. Referring to the history of his involvement. Primary Teacher Pak Guru heavily involved in a demonstration Silat Kalimah with the late Tok Guru Pak Yahya Said and Pak Guru Azmi Long. Friends teams he then was late Cikgu Hamid Man. A lot of sweet and bitter events were experienced and felt during the late together Tok Guru Pak Yahya Said and Pak Guru Azmi Long . To earn his living, working as a driving instructor at JV Cergas at Lebuhraya Laguna, Sg. Petani, Kedah. Anyone interested to learn more about personal and Silat Kalimah Malaysia in general, please contact him.
  • Bersamalah kita dengan wilayahnya Silat Kalimah,
  • "Silat Aku Silat Kalimah, Aku Silat Dalam Kalimah"
  • "Mengembang,Menyatu dan Hidup Bersama"
  • "Pakai Tak Pakai, Tak Pakai Pakai, Selagi Tak Pakai, Itulah Pakai"
Source : Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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