Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Martial Arts Master Review : Ibu Rd Hj Enny Rukmini Sekarningrat

Name Rd. Enny Rukmini Sekarningrat (96 years) is quite famous among the wider community, especially for those who love martial arts martial arts. Even the name had been recorded in PB IPSI as the National Board of Experts Pencak Silat, so it is not menghairankan when his name was known far antarabangsa rank.

He was the President for the martial arts teacher Panglipur and also a gentle, kind, polite, and humble. Being a martial arts teacher and a leader can be quite severe, in addition to the need to master moves and martial arts techniques martial arts steady, restless body, and mentally strong and must also complete course in understanding the philosophy of martial arts martial arts depth, as has been experienced Rd. Enny Rukmini Sekarningrat, martial arts expert and a four-time feminist, daughter Abah Aleh (1856-1980) - the founder Panglipur. Abah Aleh is a martial arts master who is able to combine martial arts schools martial arts stance Panglipur a beautiful, stable, effective, and practical self-defense. Short vocation, may be called Mrs. or Ms. Enny, but generally the fighters in the Association of Pencak Silat Panglipur called "mamih".

This last designation is a habit Panglipur fighter who is near him. Someone once asked him, "Is it true that there are descendants of Dutch mother?". He deny them: "I said no, and in fact I was not a descendant of the Dutch, he said. Fact, the question is not quite up there alone, sometimes they like to pass on to another question, Ah period, the proof is similar Indo Mother faces? Hearing questions like that I just smiled, probably because I was a long time together with the Netherlands, while still in school in Zending School.'s no wonder if I influenced by the customs of the Dutch, and coincidentally my white skin, so people think that I look like a Caucasian . Though I no Indo, my father Abah Aleh descent and my mother Ma Banten native Uki Garut. "

Since childhood, Mrs. Enny already enjoying local arts and had even studied dance sunda, including not only learn martial arts seriously and in depth, the origin may be enough. After increasing his teens was glad to learn dancing namely type who likes to dance performed by teenagers from the West (foreigners). However, his father did not forbid studying dance, let alone to have a student disciple, kerana coincidence time many students who rent in the house, so the stronger the pleasure of the dance.

Princess Abah Aleh partner (founder Panglipur) and Ma Uki, who was born in Gg. Durman Bandung on 17 Ogos 1915, at the age of 12 years is housekeeping. Maybe Abah Aleh was no thought in memory of the situation was less secure. First he berkahwin with a young man named humming, have one son named Etty Sumartini and has 12 grandchildren and live in Jakarta. Abah Aleh was expecting her daughter to be a wife who is knowledgeable, so Abah Aleh allow her to continue lesson.

After graduating from the School Zending forwarded to Darul Mualim 6 years, around the year 1946 out of the Darul Mualim was a Professor of Religion under the leadership Ajengan Toha and Rachmat Sulaeman, taught at Madrasah Al Balah and Madrasatul Choeriah in Gg Affandi Braga Bandung. Not long after her beloved husband died. So it is with Lurah berkahwin Cimahi, died shortly as well. Then berkahwin for the third time with a freedom fighter named Bunjali, he was a prominent arts coincidence that Abah Aleh very pleased with him, maybe his deep fate, shortly after it was captured by the Dutch Bunjali while teaching (teaching reading Qur'an). Mrs. Enny was looking for a husband can hopefully meet again, and joined the women fighters joined forces with the prince Papak in Wanaradja Garut, under Major Kosasih. Name Sekarningrat also given by Laskar Prince Papak.

Thanks to the patience and determination, she finally met also with her beloved husband, so it's time to fight together to defend freedom. Not long after that each got the job, he was assigned to Ciniru and her husband was assigned to Cipakem Brass Turned after returning from duty, "my husband died while fighting. My heart is so sad, maybe it was fate, and I realized that this is the destiny of Allah, "he said.

In 1947, the mother Enny joins forces led by Lieutenant Abhimanyu and Major U. Rukman to move to Yogya and there met a military officer named Tabrani, when he was still a captain, and returned to West Java and quit as a fighter, and finally back to the community. In 1950, the wanderings in the wilderness ended with the fall of the refugees to the city, who had previously fought using guns, but now the struggle is carried out in other forms.

"Then I got married to Captain Tabrani and had a son named Djadja Widjayakusumah. At that time, led by Abah Aleh Panglipur entrusted Enny mother's brother, Air Force Lt. Udi. So to commemorate the struggle, he mencuba make martial arts drama that her struggle with her husband from the start of the meeting to finish. Screenwriting, screenplay, director and governed by Enny mother. Time is exercise, I try to be tough and strong but in practice it turns out I did not hold back the sadness and feeling strong until I fainted, "he said.

Around the fifties, Air Force Lt. Udi are mandated by Abah Aleh to take college Panglipur martial arts, has died. Abah Aleh then called him and said, "Eneng, sabada Kang Udi pupus, taya deui my nu katoong Abah pikeun neruskeun so elders paguron iwal tea ti Eneng, saurna gentle. (Neng, after Kak Udi's death, there is no longer seen by Abah who could carry on a college leader panglipur martial arts, just Enny, she said seriously) ".

"When I heard words like that, my heart felt surprise and confusion," he said, "I was not steeped in his deep earnest on the subject of martial arts, and the sons and daughters Abah Aleh there are four people, including me, Udi Kak, Kak Eyon, and Kak Dati. I do not understand why Abah Aleh chose me to replace it. After thinking long there is a sense in my heart, maybe Abah Aleh feel confident that I have the ability to run, so I could not resist it, "he said firmly. Turns out mom was once considered flawless in a devout and obedient children to parents, respect for parents ingrained since he was a child, let alone resist the desire of parents, scolded by not feeling bersalahpun he did not dare let alone argue against the elderly . Eventually he received the offer gracefully.

In 1950, Abah Aleh is Rasmi Panglipur handed the leadership reins to Mrs. Enny, as heir to be considered capable of leading Panglipur, Panglipur to the development and progress in the future. Although the presumption is still raw in the martial problems, but Mrs. Enny bend over backwards to lead panglipur together with other leaders Panglipur.

"When attention Abah Aleh was practicing martial arts, I like to ask, why Panglipur moves like being nombor, and everything is not dibeza-bezakan, it would be nice every level dibeza-bezakan", he gave the question on Abah Aleh.

"For the typical Panglipur, so there is uniformity, he said, smiling. The evidence seemed to me, when the train fighters to greet the 1600 Asian-African Conference in 1955. With a movement that has been homogenized so it's not hard to train, "he said. Mrs. Enny was amazed to Abah Aleh capable of uniform motion is so complicated and diverse.

Some people are asking, Is silat from Abah Aleh coupled with the power of science? "I said no, because I did not study science in energy, most also I like tarikat. I've had locked in the room by Abah Aleh for three days and three nights, while in the room that only provided a plate of boiled potatoes and a glass of water. By his deep, not hairan if I eat only every other day or every three days "she said.

"There was a strange incident when I was 40 years old my teeth suddenly feel sore and felt as if a long, and then checked into the doctors said there was no disease. Friday night turned out all my teeth fall out so till now my teeth into toothless. I do not have the absurd idea, or have a negative allegation against another person, maybe my teeth fall was caused by the disease, "he said.

Since the establishment of ITS in West Java in 1957, under the leadership of Commander Siliwangi, General Kosasih, Mrs. Enny bend over backwards to develop martial arts martial arts. But the implementation is not as easy as what we think, because at that time help from the government or from the public has not been able to rely on. Moreover, the name of martial arts, all the people who want to have this skill, but little has issued Want money or funds for it. However, Rd. Enny Sekarningrat Rukmini et al seperguruan like Rd. H. Adang Mohammad Moesa (late), Aaron (deceased), Tarmedi (late), Kol. H. MSTA. Jhonny (late), M. Umbit (late), Bakri, Udi, and the other martial arts fighting to preserve the martial arts, particularly as an inheritance Panglipur Abah Aleh who had previously fought unrelenting erties bored and tired. And proven Panglipur has been recognized by the government as an organization registered as a member of ITS and IPSI.

In the city alone at that time there were five branches panglipur, including the West London branch is headed by H. Basuni (late), chaired by Abah Pagarsih Bakri (late), chaired by the Chief of Ciwidey Butler (late), Babakan Jati chaired by H. Basuki (late), chaired by Aki Tarmedi Lembang (late), and chaired by Bah Stone Fruit Soma (late), chaired by Bah Kopo Omi, oyi, and Bah Udi, and many other luminaries. Panglipur branches outside London, among others Majalengka, Talaga, Brass, Garut, Cianjur. All branches must be in the supervision Panglipur Center led by him. Until now Panglipur growing rapidly, both within and outside the country.

In addition, as a leader Panglipur, apparently Rd. Enny Rukmini Sekarningrat, including the martial arts as well as a teacher or coach who is active, he never trained soldiers Rindam VI Siliwangi, Company Chairman Captain Protocol. H. MSTA. Jhonny (addr, last rank of Colonel), trained soldiers BDI II Siliwangi Pangalengan Lieutenant Colonel. Suryamin, train youths drop out of school, has coached at the junior high, high school, SPG and students, as well as students Dodiklat Police and CPM children in Erode, train the foreigners who had come to sit in Panglipur. Even had established an organization named pedicab rickshaw Indonesia Motorcyclist Association (HPBI), then the artisan Pedicab dikursuskan did the steering wheel until they are, be a tour minibus in Cicendo Bandung.

Dicelah-practice gap he was often given advice by Abah Aleh, a mandate given to him, among others, "Eneng, dina breathe boh, boh dina on Disabled, teangan pikaresepeun shelf, shelf pikangewaeun neangan act, saurna. (Neng, in everyday life, as well as in on Disabled, should always look for what makes people happy (to please others) rather than looking for something that people do not like or do not like other people, he said) ". In accordance with the philosophy Panglipur which stands for :
  • Pek Aranjeun Neangan Ilmuna superb teacher, Poma tantrum Ria (arrogant).
Does that mean in Indonesian: Please you are looking for a high science teacher, but do not get cocky (arrogant).
  • Pek Aranjeun Neangan Ilmuna Pikeun Udageun noble Guru Rasa.
Does that mean in Indonesian: Please you are looking for a high science teacher for the pursuit of flavor.

There was an interesting experience for the mother Enny lead Panglipur, when bringing a group Panglipur to Singapore in 1980, with H. Suhari Sapari (IPSI Chairman / ITS) in West Java. When hosting a gig in Singapore, after arriving in a new location that will be remembered that the tool used to show behind at the inn, and time for staging Minit only stay a few more. "At that time I suddenly remembered sobrah (a type of female hair long, used to bun) to replace the last remaining. Apparently staging is able to amaze the audience and they were satisfied, people thought that sobrah was a new creation, "he said, smiling. Furthermore, he warned, "By his deep, the equipment or weapon used for martial arts is not just saber, Gobang (Sword), Trident, Toya, Alu (halu), Stick, Limbuhan (a type of short arms) that bolh used in the demonstration, sobrah also be used for the demo. So when the chance to be creative these tools behind or lost. Even rafiapun rope used as a tool capable of self-defense, "he said again.

Then he touched on the subject of martial arts clothing, which can not be separated from his attention. "Fighters generally use black clothing, but for the purposes of the stage does not always have to be black, other colors may also be used, adapted to Ibing to be displayed, so that the kids look pretty, beautiful, and not embarrassing. This outfit I wore when appointed as a member Galih Panglipur Pakuan West Java Governor H. Aang Kunaefi (late) from 1978 to 1985, among others, while welcoming the Asian African Conference (1985), Full Parasamya Nugraha work, and so on. During a team of West Java Protocol (Galih Pakuan West Java), Panglipur been dozens of times mentas in Bogor Palace, together with other arts such as dance, dogdog Lojor, sisingaan Beans Jaipongan, and others under the leadership of
  • Enoh
  • Atmadibrata,
  • Nugraha,
  • Indrawati Lukman,
  • Yeti Mamat,
  • Irawati Durban,
  • Gugum Gumbira,
  • Tati Saleh,
and other Sundanese artists, "said the man who was good at bridal makeup," Even I have tried to show Ibing martial arts with kebaya dress turned out to be successful and accepted by the martial arts as a staging that is good and beautiful, without reducing the values ​​of martial arts and martial arts kaedah true. That is namely under any circumstances, a fighter does not have to wear uniforms martial arts, especially for a woman wearing kebayapun can defend themselves and display fine arts movement, "he said again.

Mom this one turned out quite firmly in the discipline in Panglipur, such as between a man and his female students in college should be like brother and sister, protecting each other, love each other, and help each other when each one having trouble. "No I do not give permission relationship over seperguruan brother, let alone things happen that are not desirable. I allow female students with a student berkahwin seperguruan origin man truly able to wake the household well and truly in accordance with the tenets of Islam. Alhamdulillah, this rule until now no one has violated, let alone to cause a rift between Panglipur kinship, "he said seriously.

1997, Rd. Enny Rukmini Sekarningrat and Rd. H. Adang Mohammad Moesa directed by PB IPSI went to Malaysia as a leader and expert martial arts of West Java, then set off again with E. Kusnadi to Trengganu, Malaysia as an observer Pencak Silat Championship archipelago.

As leaders and martial arts expert, a good attitude interaction was able to bring the martial arts association Panglipur pierce the antarabangsa be recognized among experts in martial arts overseas. In addition, he has managed to bring Panglipur as a martial arts school that is able to maintain its authenticity.

For over 100 years (1909-till now) Panglipur has learned martial arts lovers from the mahupun outside the country, such as Asia, Europe, and America. From time to time Panglipur remain outstanding and dedicated, Panglipur never miss in following championships are organized by Rasmi Pengda and PB IPSI IPSI, both in rank and antarabangsa national / world.

"Thank God for my lead Panglipur martial arts college, students Panglipur feels there has never been a disappointment, even Panglipur branches continue to grow and expand to other countries, including the Netherlands, USA, Austria, and so forth," he said satisfaction.

Source : selasarsifakir

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