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Review : Silat Lincah Malaysia

Written By Reduan Koh on Monday, June 11, 2012 | 9:30 AM

Malaysia Martial Art Association which was founded by Datuk Haji Omardin bin Mauju and was officially registered in 1969. The organization later was approved on Saturday, 9th January 1971 equal to 13 Zulkaedah 1390 H. The first ring is in the village of Silat Lincah Puah, Gombak , Kuala Lumpur , which began with only five of his students in 1963. Now, Silat Lincah has a membership of 840,000 people and has been recognized as having the highest body in the Malaysia Book of Records.Silat is a flow agile teaching martial arts fighter in Malaysia with the name of Malaysia Silat Lincah Assocation .

Available as an organization that not only satisfy martial movements and morale 'Hang Jebat, the members also inserted itself as the practices of its members alcoholics. Organisation led by OMARDIN BIN DATUK HAJI MAUJU which active over the past registered in 1969, not only known in Malaysia but managed to expand to several countries including England, Belgium, New Zealand, Holland, France, Madagascar and most recently in Korea South, up to now reached 30.000 members abroad. With unmatched leadership of Datuk Haji Omardin Master, now PSSLM already has a membership of more than 800,000 members in over land and recorded in the books of the Malaysia Book of Records published in 1998, which was launched by the Prime Minister of Malaysia at that time, Dato 'Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad in December 1998, as a body of knowledge to defend themselves with "Membership Top and Best".

Silat Lincah to make history. Since 1963, the five children of the original disciples, Omardin open several courts in the vicinity of Kampung Puah, Selangor and Federal Territory and about from time to time, Silat Lincah growing all over the country until in 1969, teaching the Martial agile previously known as the "Martial Tarah" is registered in Selangor to be a body of knowledge that legitimate self-defense in the name of "Lincah Malaysian Martial Art Association". Master Haji Omardin also held a series of Silat Lincah performances abroad, including in Indonesia , Singapore , Thailand , the Philippines , Brunei , Hong Kong , Japan , South Korea , Pakistan , India and Mecca.

Although Silat Lincah has made his name, his soul was never satisfied. Agenda struggle there has been no end, let alone see the hundreds of teaching martial scattered all over the country do not want to live afraid to die, abandoned as melukut side bushel, not ( disilau ditoleh ) and without defense. Realising this, the 1st March 1975 , with his own effort and expense, a meeting with all teachers throughout the country was held at the Club Sultan Sulaiman , Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur, and witnessed by some delegates from Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines and Brunei. In this meeting has created a more glorious history of struggle in which Omardin silat bodies need to be in a body, a combination of national and international level. Even with difficult ideas and also the poor, have built National Martial Council is now known as the Malaysian National Silat Federation (PESAKA) , which became the cornerstone of all martial arts movements in Malaysia.

Despite success, Omardin through ideas and views has attracted a number of martial affiliates to join the Regional Level ASEAN . To make matters worse, his efforts to establish a combination of martial international level also become a reality with the establishment of the International Silat Federation, now known as the International Pencak Silat Federation (PERSILAT), responsible not only for martial bodies in ASEAN countries and even martial bodies in around the world. Description Dato 'Haji Omardin not only that but with their own spending so much, the height of his success is a Martial Arts Organization will gather from around the world through a demonstration of Martial Arts World Stage 04hb held in December 1976 held at Stadium Negara , Kuala City, officially opened by HRH Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah , Deputy Agong at the time, was attended by 42 PPS from Asean countries, the Far East and Middle East .

Continue to shake the world Silat Lincah Malay Silat then once again making a name when the Supreme Hajj Omardin and hundreds of his students involved in the success, documentary film BEYOND ONE STEP TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL inner or a step that not only displayed on the World Silat Malay Martial glory but agile Omardin finally lifted as the Malay Silat fighter. Practices to members swiftly executed by the Supreme Hajj Omardin based on privilege and power in terms of silat and struggles of each member. This practice is certified will not bring any deviation from any aspect. The Association also requires that each member has a highly disciplined at all levels whether ordinary members, coaches or officials. Among each other mutual respect, Master, and the teachers and not rebel against the parents.

Religious question also are concerned in PSSLM. Members are advised to remember Allah by performing the commanded and forsake what is forbidden. Thus, the members trained polite because it is the practice of most major Silat Lincah. Based on all this faith, Silat Lincah will continue to be respected martial society at all levels and at the same time it could play a role in the success of various silat activities in the country or internationally. PSSLM able to hold the largest gathering at the rally in Penang in 1975, it has attracted a total of 100 000 spectators witnessed the rally and the most thrilling demonstration of mysticism.

To realize the role to be played by members of the martial arts in ensuring the sovereignty and prosperity of the country maintained a very historic meeting was held on 10th March 2001 with Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad , Prime Minister at that time at Seri Perdana , Putrajaya , during the country are buzzing about a crisis between the races. The meeting initiated and led by Dato 'Haji Omardin with 53 teachers of the Martial Art of Malaysia has stated with loyal leadership as contained in the Memorandum that was agreed to and subsequently submitted to the Hon. Prime Minister. It aims to show loyalty and to maintain unity among the races that prevailed for so long and want to eliminate the elements that continue to haunt the poor of the society at that time. Apparently the effort was something to look forward Omardin by government leaders and it was hoped to achieve a peaceful and prosperous country.

Omardin ambitious who want to see martial growing in every corner of the world was finally reached where in 1987, two young men of Europe Chirstoper Glenn Peter Lobo and Bogerts was introduced to Silat Lincah in Kuala Lumpur. Dotted less than that, there began a history of Silat swiftly England and Belgium successfully branching out into several other countries including New Zealand, Holland, France, Madagascar and most recently in South Korea.For Omardin, Martial nimble to Europe not merely because of silat, but it is a cultural bridge and a Certificate of redemption of the dignity of the Malays who had humiliated the West not too long ago.

This was evident when the Degree Ceremony First World Stage in Kuala Selangor in May 1998 which was officiated by the Hon. Chief Minister of Selangor at that time, Dato 'Seri Haji Abu Hassan bin Haji Omar, in which the descendants of British colonists who became coach Silat Lincah hands to worship and kiss the Malay leaders. Not only that, the adoption of Malay culture has also adopted this ideal when they teach their children nippy out there by using the Malay language, especially on the base, fruits, and other shots.

World Martial Arts Festival is an annual event organized by the Government of South Korea . In 2000, the World Martial Arts has been invited to participate in Malaysia vivacious festival. The success of the Malay Silat PSSLM expand overseas to be proud of, the only martial invited to take part in the World Martial Arts Festival. every year which included 62 types of Martial Arts than 32 countries around the world, succeeded in making martial as cultural bridges identified the Malay language and culture to the outside world. Joined the first time yielded quite encouraging all Malaysians when PSSLM crowned overall champion after winning the category of best performance and clothing as well as the selection of people who voted PSSLM Chungju City as a team with the best discipline in which the prize was presented by the Mayor himself Chungju .

Performance in Chungju Korea : In 2002, an agreement was reached by the countries participating in this festival for the World Martial Arts Union menubuhan or short WoMOU. Even the Malay children is also entrusted by his fellow members WoMOU as Vice President in the body of the martial arts world. Not enough there, more proud in 2005 when representatives PSSLM, Megat Zulkarnain Dato 'Haji Omardin once again have the mandate from all member countries to maintain WoMOU WoMAU Vice President. This would raise the name of Malaysia in the international martial arts world. Activities at the join of every year is to develop Silat Lincah Martial Arts world. Once invited five consecutive years, it appears received message is very good for World Martial Arts Festival Committee has declared that Malaysia is among the six "Friends Standing" to be invited to participate.

Since its inception more Silat Lincah society been thinking about the importance of especially the Malay at the time. However, changes in circumstances that demands unity of multi-racial Malaysian society has made Silat Lincah as a medium to unite unity. Even the Silat Lincah has opened its membership to everyone regardless of race , religion, ethnicity and skin color. This is the greatest success achieved by these organizations in helping the government to unite the races are. Even the nickname "Trigger agile Silat National Strength" by the leadership of the country deemed to be a huge recognized once while driving spirit to come together.

Indeed PSSLM very aware of and think about the importance and social responsibility, welfare and community services to the people in line to support the campaign carried out by the government and make Silat Lincah not only to its members but it has become part of Malaysian society. And today, Silat Lincah has come up with ideas in order to protect the heritage of this great Malay.

Films featuring 'real action' was inspired by the Sultan of Pahang, Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah KDYMM Al Musta'in Billah Al Marhum VOA Ri'ayatuddin Al Muadzam Shah (then Raja Muda) around 1976. He witnessed the show which was held by Master YM Dato 'Hj Omardin Mauju at Stadium Merdeka. The effect of a great performance from the coach and children under the leadership of Master agile, he has suggested that the power of 'Malay Silat' is filmed and shown not only in Malaysia but all over the world. With the consent of His Majesty KDYMM, born film (documentary) The Natural Step Inward or in the English version of 'One Step To The Beyond'. Film sponsored by Cathay-Keris Film Productions takes 8 years to produce the start of 1976 to 1984. Malaysia started in cinemas in 1985. The response of the Malaysian society so remarkable, where the Odeon show this film for two weeks while Colleseum Cinema display for about a month. A similar phenomenon also occurs in cinemas all over Malaysia.

The impact of these developments, this film was brought out of the country. Among the countries that have received 'presence' of this film is the United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and other countries. The response is great celebration in Malaysia. According to YM Master, only the coaches and selected members of the lucky just to 'play' in the film that does not directly use any 'camera-trick' is. Coaches and members will be prepared with the mental and physical strength by YM Master himself. "Without adequate training and preparation, there would not have a single thing in this world that can bear success," he said. Among the most interesting action in this movie is that YM Master is buried alive. Action takes place on the Big Island Malacca featuring Master YM grown for about 4 hours. Action is also invited to a crew shooting a shock when one of the photographers had a heart attack from the terrible effects when viewing faces at YM Master port is open.

The film also features Master YM son, Mr. Hj. Megat Zulkarnain themselves tested. He received 25 punches from YM Master. Commenting on the 'talk' in the media internet about YM Master just want to show the greatness, he gave the following response. "If we do not show these things, how we want the world to recognize greatness of the Malay Silat. I did this (film) not to show off or glorified, but on good faith that our silat (Malay Silat) is known around the world. " He also stated that if we just show the normal action (the fruit, belebat and combat), we are almost the same martial in martial-martial status abroad. In simple terms, there is no privilege.

"Why did not question the films of Bruce Lee , or the films of Hong Kong and China , or the films of Hollywood ? Why not question America's attack certain countries as an attempt to show great? Why when we do (the film) they said we want to show off? This not only talk the envy. We are struggling to raise the Malay Silat but it seems 'we' own ", he said again. This film is basically a 'proof' native Malay martial prowess. This is because martial not only be based on physical factors alone, but also must be attributed to factors 'spiritual'. "People say that warrior of old buried but alive, we can prove. People said the warrior days of old, but managed to escape suspension, we prove as well. In fact, the word warrior past time bound and thrown into the river, but still managed to break through, we also prove. Story warrior era not only fiction, but actually received. And we managed to prove the truth most of them, "he added. YM is the hope of Malay Silat Master to see the world and received a his greatest ambition to be contested in Sports Martial Olympics .
Ideas by Dato 'Haji Omardin arises when thinking about the importance of this heritage of Malay mind must be in the guard martial. Even today's knowledge of martial demanding better service and not as just verbal material to be learned.  This is making the existing knowledge of martial academic aspects will be studied in the universities formally recognized but it will also be a key resource by researchers silat from within or outside the country. In fact, this idea has come to reality. Silat Lincah and RAKANCOP, for this program, Silat Lincah has a special unit that has registered as a RakanCop . The unit will operate as a monitoring body and ensure the rate and the problems of crime and related problems can be reduced.

Status / Ranks in Silat Lincah
  • Black Shawl black belt (full mahta - girdle bersongket)
  • Red belt black scarf (full mahta)
  • Black scarf yellow belt (full mahta)
Black scarf green belt (full mahta)
  • Red scarf black berlis red belt (full mahta)
  • Red scarf black berlis yellow belt (full mahta)
  • Red scarf black berlis green belt (full mahta)
  • Red scarf red belt (mahta full / half / no mahta)
  • Red scarf yellow belt (mahta full / half / no mahta)
  • Red scarf green belt (mahta full / half / no mahta)
  • Yellow Shawl (young coach)
  • Shawl Green (coach children)
  • Black-Black (assistant tennis coach)
  • Red-Black
  • Red-Yellow
  • Yellow-Yellow (new coach)
For formal events, coaches and PPS are required to wear a skull cap . Rank / status-list wrapped distinguished by the bottom skull cap.
  • Black Green Green - Acting young teacher
  • Red Black Red - Black Coach (Coach High Level)
  • Red Yellow Red - Red berlis black coach (Senior Coach Malaysia)
  • Red Yellow - dressed coach makhta
  • Red - Coach red
  • Green - a young coach and trainer.
  • Yellow - Stage of
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