Sunday, July 1, 2012

Review : Beladiri Jurus Senjata 8

The founder Mohamed bin Chik or better known as Pak Mat Kedidi began learning 'Buah Pukul' ('Striking Art') first from his late father.

At the age of 9 years old, he moved to Kelantan (Northern Malaysia) to pursue his studies in the art. At the age of 19, he studied with an 'Awang Bin Idris' who was his brother in law.

In the year 1939, when he was 27 years old, he enlisted with the Police force and was assigned to serve on the Malaysian side of the border with neighboring Thailand ('Siam'). Whilst posted there, he learnt a form of Thai boxing ('Tomoi') with a gentleman by the name of Tok Chah. A famous teacher in Padang.

Due to his dedication and ability in the art of Tomoi Pak Mat Kedidi became a renowned champion in Padang, and earned the nickname 'Kumbang Hitam' (Black Beetle). This was apparently due to the fact that the speed of his roundhouse kicks generated a buzzing sound. Later on, Pak Mat Kedidi would commute to and fro Kuala Lumpur and Sungai Belum (Melaka) to study with a 'Long Aman Bin Ujang' in the art of 'Sendeng Asli Muar'. This was where Pak Mat Kedidi deepened his knowledge around the use of the Tekpi ('Sai'). Pak Mat Kedidi proceed to also learn 'Buah Pukul' from a gentleman by the name of 'Cu Aman', and finally received the 'Nukil' (Genealogy) from his teacher in 1961. He was also instructed to study further under the 'Qadi' (religious personage/leader) in the Mersing district, who went by the name of 'Sani Abu Samah'. In 1972, before retiring, Pak Mat Kedidi made friends with a Silat Sunting Johor instructor by the name of 'Pak Manas'. It was during this relationship that Pak Mat Kedidi was introduced to Haji Ahmad Awan, then the state 'Mufti' of the state of Johore.
After retiring, Pak Mat Kedidi spread this art ('Buah Pukul') which combined the arts of Sendeng, Sunting, Buah Pukul Mersing and Tomoi in a package/system that was robust and which preserved the concept of 'Buah Pukul' which is "Wanting to Hit, Not Wanting to Be Hit" ("Hendak Mengena, Tak Nak Kena").

In short, Beladiri Jurus Senjata 8 ( Or in short 'Senjata 8'), is based on 'Buah Pukul' which was formalised by Pak Mat Kedidi. The art of Senjata 8 has some similarities with Lian Padukan because Pak Mat Kedidi was also responsible for the formation and formalisation of Lian Padukan. This can be attested to by the current senior teacher of Senjata 8, a gentleman by the name of Yazid Abdul Rani.  Cikgu Yazid was also once a head teacher of Lian Padukan, and so is in an informed position to make this observation/statement.

The only difference between Lian Padukan and Senjata 8, is this: Senjata 8 is a compact, hard and fast syncretic Buah Pukul Mersing style. Senjata 8 emphasizes drills, exercises and concepts.

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