Sunday, July 1, 2012

Review : Kuntao Asli Brunei Darussalam

Kuntao Asli ( Traditional ), it is a very energetic form of martial art found in Brunei Darussalam. In it's competitive forms - sparring - the exchanges can get alittle nasty. Although there isn't supposed to be any full-contact between the participants, when the blood is up and tempers flare.

In it's more traditional application - in formal competition - it is comprised of the following : - Pacah Ampat: A signature opening bunga kuntao (form) that is executed in a manner that addresses the four cardinal points. - Pacah Satu: A bunga kuntao (form) that is executed in a straight line; a preliminary form executed after the Pacah Ampat. And, - The Rangkaian Tiga Kuntao: The three formal attacking techniques that the attacker uses, or the defender responds to. Characteristics of Kuntao,
Most of the stances in Kuntao - when in sparring mode - is high up and close together. This facilitates quick movement in punching and kicking. The kicks are almost always waist level, and is limited to the front snapping kick. No side kicks or crescent kicks. And, Punching is of the standard type, no exotic applications here either. These three characteristics of Kuntao is the hallmark of most effective martial arts: Simplicity. Kuntao in it's aesthetic and traditional form can vary slightly from the above. The stances can be slightly longer and there are more examples of different types of strikes/kicks. You can see this in the signature Pacah Ampat representative of the different schools/styles.
It is interesting to note that in the presentation of Kuntao everything is flowery and 'extended'. But in the application - combative or sparring - everything (technique and stances) gets abbreviated and 'shortened'. Most people who have used Kuntao in altercations will attest to its efficacy. The elders of my family in Kuala Belait all fall back on Kuntao when in a tight corner. Kuntao Brunei has even held it's own when taken across the waters and 'tested' in Singapore and Malaysia.

I never use to enjoy sparring or competing in martial arts... until now. I find that sparring - point, light or full - is instructive. It helps keep the practitioner 'honest'. Sometimes it is all to easy to get carried away with our own creativity. We build up techniques in response to attacks, and practice these techniques diligently... in isolation... without the feedback of a resisting opponent. The likely result?... responses to attacks that may or may not hold out in the midst of an altercation.

Remember... when the heat is on... fine motor skills deteriorates in direct proportion to time, fatigue, fear, anxiety and so on. When you don't have access to a regular sparring partner, than you can always resort to the punching bag.

The punching bag... a martial artist's best friend. Do yourself the favor of getting a good punching bag that has some substantial weight to it. The sort that won't just fly-off when landing a light-medium punch or kick. When the punching bag is swinging around, try applying the techniques in your repertoire. You'll be surprised at the feedback, Too much patty-caking (parries and arm traps) before a punch or kick, and the incoming punching bag will slam into you. You will also find that you will improve in timing your strikes/blocks and judging your distance, And, No authority behind your punches and kicks will show up very quickly.

Kuntao in Brunei Darussalam is mostly influenced by the Southern forms of Chinese Kung Fu: alot of short arm techniques and low kicks. Reminiscent of Wing Chun, Hung Gar, White Crane and Southern Praying Mantis. Kuntao can be practised in two (2) ways,
  • Fast and fluid... transitioning between each position quickly and effortlessly. And,
  • Slow and plodding... the purpose here is to emphasise muscle tension and breathing (very much like the 'Three Battles' form of Karate and White Crane Kung Fu).
Source Review :