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Review : Seni Gayung Fatani

Written By Reduan Koh on Thursday, June 7, 2012 | 9:10 AM

Seni Gayung Fatani is a style of silat from Malaysia. Because of its artistic appearance, it is often mistaken for a dance. The steps and hand movements all have combat applications and are meant to lock or disable the opponent.

The current grandmaster is Guru Aminuddin bin Hj Anuar from the Pertubuhan Seni Gayung Fatani Malaysia (PSGFM). In Malay, the word seni means art and gayung or is a word for martial arts synonymous with silat. Fatani means wise in Arabic and was chosen because of its similarity to Pattani, the kingdom from where the art originated.

Seni Gayung Fatani originated in Pattani, a state of southern Thailand. It was first brought to Kedah, Malaysia in 1840 by Syeikh Abdul Rahman. The style was expanded upon by his son Tok Yah Ramli. Another student from Syeikh Abd. Rahman was Pak Teh Mat Ali who taught this style to Pak Andak Embong. When it was registered in 1976 as an association under the Government's Club Act, the name was formalized to Seni Gayung. The new syllabus outlined by Tuan Haji Anuar has five different levels. Each level teaches techniques of its own while maintaining the same basic form. Some of these are : Bunga Sembah : A set of 16 steps intentionally designed to look flowery. Buah Pukulan : Combat sets meant to teach the application of techniques. Silat pulut - Tapak Empat : In the tapak empat, the steps of the bunga sembah are performed in a square. It is meant to teach fluidity of movement whilst the silat pulut performed at the end is meant for the exponent to apply the techniques learnt.
Jurus Olahraga
  • The offensive from of the bunga sembah in which the steps are either blocks, attacks or deflections.
Silat Pulut
  • Silat pulut is the slow, technique-infused version of combat played out between two opponents. It is meant for the exponent to display their adeptness in silat by using techniques. The individuals who are playing it out also gain insight on how their moves can be deflected or used against them in combat.
  • Level 1
This is the beginner level. The practitioner wears a white belt and is called anak gelanggang (child of the arena). This terms derives its meaning from the fact that at this level, the exponent would spend a lot of time in the gelanggang or training ground doing whatever the teacher asks.
Bunga Sembah (level 1)
  • Buah Pukulan (level 1, avoidance)
  • Tapak Empat
Jurus Olahraga (level 1)
  • Technique: Avoidance
  • Level 2
At this level, the practitioner wears a blue belt and is called pesilat muda or young silat exponent because they now have some knowledge of silat but not yet enough to qualify as a full-fledged trainee.
Bunga Sembah (level 2)
Buah Pukulan (level 2, avoidance and repelling attack)
Tapak Empat
Jurus Olahraga (level 2)
Technique: Avoidance and repelling attacks
  • Level 3
The practitioner now wears a green belt and is called a pesilat or silat exponent because they have now experienced enough to be able to apply techniques in combat.
Bunga Sembah (level 3)
Tapak Empat
Jurus Olahraga
Buah Pukulan is replaced by Tekong where the exponent is attacked by multiple assailants (weaponless attack) from different directions
Technique: Avoidance, blocks, tangkapan (trapping or seizing) and felling an opponent
  • Level 4
At this stage, the pesilat wears a red belt and is called a pendekar muda or young warrior. Now adept at applying techniques, the exponent can face off any attack by any assailant and is qualified to teach. Before being recognized as a pendekar, the pendekar muda may receive a black stripe on their bengkung (waist sash) for each year they show active participation and constant improvement.
Bunga Sembah (level 4)
Buah Pukulan (level 4, avoidance, repelling, tangkapan and locking the opponent)
Tapak Empat
Techniques: Avoidance, blocks, tangkapan, locks and armed combat (parang, kris, etc.)
  • Level 5
The individual is a full-fledged warrior and is given the title Pendekar. This level is not easily attained as the grading is only held when a pendekar muda is deemed fit for it. In becoming a pendekar, the exponent has to create their own bunga sembah, jurus olahraga and tapak empat which must not be similar to that of others. During grading, they will have to face off armed attacks by multiple assailants from different directions to qualify. Techniques : Locking opponents and escaping locks; killing/disabling opponent, weaponry
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