The status is often a Dutch fugitive, Ibrahim often traveled from one place to another. In addition to hiding from the pursuit of the Dutch, Ibrahim also explore and hone in the history of science pencaknya.Tersebutlah he had to stop in Batavia, dititip on a relative there. However, in Batavia Ibrahim also often make mischief against the Dutch, until finally he went to the Holy Land. Having married a daughter of KH. Ali, Ibrahim then set up a boarding school in Banjarnegara Binorong. On his return from the Hajj, Ibrahim renamed KH. Busyro Martyrs. As for the future then Binorong Boarding School is growing rapidly. Among the students-santrinya include: Achyat (H. Burhan) younger cousin Ibrahim, M. Yasin (Abu Amar Martyr's) younger brother, and Sudirman. Sudirman later career in the military world, known as the Great Commander General Sudirman. Around 1921 in the conference in Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah Youth, KH. Busyro first met the two sisters; A. Dimyati and M. Wahib. Beginning with the contest between M. kaweruh Wahib with H. Burhan, then A. Dimyati and M. Wahib raising KH. Busyro as a teacher.
A. Dimyati and studied martial M.Wahib to KH.Busyro in Binorong, Banjarnegara. KH. Busyro more famous master of martial sciences core, whereas H. Burhan more famous master of martial physical sciences. According to history, both sisters M.Wahib A.Dimyati and studied for five days to master the 15 stance, and 5 Kembangan. Furthermore A.Dimyati and M.Wahib back to Yogyakarta, followed by KH.Busyro and H.Burhan who moved to Yogyakarta. In such circumstances, the society referred to them as Swordsman Pencak. , Together with the KH. Busyro to Kauman, Yogyakarta, Banjaran flow - which was originally developed through a boarding school Binorong - ultimately for the time being centered to Kauman.
Swordsman A.Dimyati quiet nature and tend to be closed, while M.Wahib its aggressive and tend to be open. A.Dimyati nature more akin to nature H.Burhan.
While the carriage is said to be similar M.Wahib innate teacher, KH.Busyro. For it is more prominent than the name M.Wahib A.Dimyati. While many say that his knowledge A.Dimyati tougher than her sister, but because it is quiet and closed events were noted. Due to the nature of the two sisters of different, often resulting in the two clashed, including in terms of race kaweruh. KH.Busyro understand the character of both sisters. Though different, he said they both have a high martial talents.
Seeing so KH.Busyro A.Dimyati Swordsman Martyr pointed to wander to the west, as ever lived by Swordsman KH.Busyro. In accordance with the prevailing tradition of the warrior who had raised A.Dimyati KH.Busyro teacher to the teacher should not be studied in a wandering martial lainnya.Untuk that this is done is "fighting kaweruh". It is reported that the warrior had mastered the science Cikalong A.Dimyati-Cimande, and Cibarosa.
As pointed KH.Busyro M.Wahib to wander to the east, up to a few places could be visited by Swordsman M.Wahib, among others Bawean and Madura. Because of its aggressive and is open from M.Wahib Swordsman, then the "race kaweruh" refers to the fight, the warrior-tested science warriors who claim to be the magic warriors. According to the story told by M.Wahib: "Where-where do I go up and down the stage (stadium) to fight martial to earn money (win), if needed I use a towel and a piece of iron weapons inch berlafal Alif". After wandering Swordsman A.Dimyati to the west, and the wandering Swordsman M.Wahib to the east, they returned to Yogyakarta. Habit of looking for a rival warrior M.Wahib directed to children Netherlands or the Dutch army.
In 1925, housed in the Central Kauman, the blessing of the Great Swordsman KH. Busyro, A.Dimyati and M.Wahib open martial exercises. Narrated dozens of students practicing. At this moment M.Wahib states CIKAUMAN Swordsman is the only martial in Kauman. The naming of this genre as it pointed to the one place as the name of the stream. The mention of this Cikauman flow implies a flow-Kauman Banjaran, with the meaning that the flow is a continuation of the flow Banjaran.At that time, outlined the principles that must be strictly adhered to and implemented by all his students, namely :
- Cikauman / Pencak Kauman, based on the teachings of Al-Islam and spirited KH.Ahmad Dahlan, a character building martial arts and berkripadian Indonesia, net of misguided and envious.
- Institution devoted to the struggle of religion and the nation.
- Mental attitude and in actions taken should be the students' conduct is Purity.
- Pencak Silat in the literature, the development of martial arts in Indonesia greatly influenced two things:
- Geographic: the form of plateaus, plains, and beaches.
- Each has a distinctive character, either in terms of the horses.
- Culture: a culture and customs that affect the flow of martial arts. Two great lines in this case the flow of Nobles and the People's flow.
- Closed, is not easily assimilated, survived to its purity.
- Power point on the art of martial arts
- Disiplin.Aliran People: Open, easily assimilated, tend to blend and not pure.