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Review : Pencak Silat Qutuz

Written By Reduan Koh on Sunday, July 15, 2012 | 8:39 AM

Pencak Silat Qutuz is a compilation of the different fighting techniques from these variedcultures,The Moro people of Moroland (Stick, Knife, Sword and Hand fighting)The Hui Chinese Muslim people (Staff, Sword, Wrestling and Hand fighting)The Malays of Indonesia and Malaysia (Knife, Joint Locks, Machete)The Arab people of Yemen and Oman (Blade Dances)The Iranian, Iraqi and Turkish people (Wrestling)The North Egyptian people (Stick Fighting and Stick Dances)Modern research and development (Firearms, Military Combatives, Technique Exchanges)The method of training and mentality cultivates a state of mind equivalent to a bloodlust thatsurfaces in combative situations and allows you to effectively execute the art in a violentenvironment. Pencak Silat Qutuz is traditional in the sense of philosophy and modern in thesense of technique execution and tactics. It is fighting technology and therefore cannot becomestagnant and dependant on outdated answers to deal with contemporary tactical questions, we arein a perpetual state of learning and development as all things are in life. As technology andtactics evolve in the world, we evolve with them, for us the king of weapons is the gun and knifenot the spear. Traditional Philosophy with modern tactics.
The primary emphasis is on fightingand killing ability but like any good combative system, Pencak Silat Qutuz is versatile and canadapt and negotiate different environments ranging from Non-Lethal to Lethal. The physicalattributes of Pencak Silat Qutuz are modeled after the vast amount of Muslim Fighting Artsavailable to study in the world, and the mentality and living philosophy of Pencak Silat Qutuz ismodeled after the teachings of Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib, the king of warriors and founder of our  path of Futawa (Chivalry).

Pencak Silat Qutuz six level ranking system :
  • Yeni Askar
  • Yakeen Satu
  • Yakeen Dua
  • Emir (Group Leader)
  • Sarwan (Assistant Instructor)
Ustaz (Instructor)And then there is the title of Khalifa which is held by the keeper of the system.We do not use any belt system or visual ranking system. Rank can usually be correctly gauged by the humility, politeness, mentality, and combative skill of an individual. Rank should not bediscussed from student to student, whoever is teaching the class will obviously be the Instructor or Emir, more than that is not necessary to know. Just be kind to one another and show respect.there is no better rank than that of a gentleman. Pencak Silat Harub Ranking Structure :
  • Sahib
(level one) ± this is the beginning stage where a person has just discovered they haveinterest in the system and start practicing through CD-ROM or in person sessions.
  • Talib
(level two) ± this is a person who has fully decided to start studying the art and begins aroutine of training in the system.
  •  Murid
(level three) ± a serious student who has acquired a fair amount of knowledge andsincerely wishes to continue his studies.
(level four) ± this student is at a stage where he is knowledgeable about the system andwishes to become an instructor.
  •  Fidai
(level five) ± this person sacrifices a lot for the system, learns its physical and mentalaspects and spends time with the instructor to gain as much knowledge as possible of the systemhe loves. This is the person the instructor knows will become a teacher also.
  • Ustaz Musaed
(assistant instructor) ± the UM is fluent in the physical aspects of the system andspends most of his time learning the Batin part of the art and preparing himself mentally to be anexcellent representative of his instructor.
  • Ustaz
(instructor) ± the instructor is the representative of Hazrat Ali in the physical form. Hetries to improve himself inside and outside in order to be even half of what the great Commander was.

  • Halka (Group of students)
  • Adab (manners)
  • Murid (student)
  • Ijaza Tadrees (Teaching License)
  • Shahadat Ustaz/Emir (Instructor Certification or Group Leader Certification)
  • Mosara¶aa (combat wrestling)
  • Mosadas (Firearms)
  • Kaskas (Standard Grip)
  • Sinan (Reverse Grip)
  • Pikal ±Malay-(Hidden Grip)
  • Mujahideen (Muslim Warriors)
  • Qital Qareeb or Nizal Qareeb (Close Combat)
  • Torok Alqital (Combat Methods)
  • Sekkeen or Silah Aaad (Knife or Edged Weapon)
  • Aasa or Silah Darb (Stick or Impact Weapon)
  • Silah Mortajal or Mobtakar (Improvised Weapon)
  • Silah Marin
Source : http://www.scribd.com/doc/46118979/Pencak-Silat-Qutuz-Info
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